Tim and I were just talking about this topic, and apparently we weren't the only people thinking about it: http://www.ksl.com/?nid=148&sid=15385917
Tim often gets asked to speak to youth on following your dreams. And the reality is, we believe in following your dreams. AS A HOBBY. Not as a career. So it's a little awkward when he's asked to speak on that topic.
The reality is, people should follow their interests, their talents, their abilities in searching for a career. But they should also plan to do something practical that can support a family. Something reasonable that contributes to society and to their own well-being. They should get an education. They should get job training.
I'm not saying people should plan their career based on what makes money. Doing something that is very difficult that you have no interest in whatsoever is a recipe for misery. And failure. Why condemn yourself that way?
But it is reasonable to expect to do a job you can stand to do, and find ways to enjoy it just like the article said. And then to pursue our passions and our dreams on the side.
Dreams and passions are for joy, for happiness, to enrich our lives. Not necessarily for a career.
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