Thursday, January 29, 2009

In Troubling Times

You know how sometimes bunches of stuff jump out at you as significant to what situation you are in?

That's me this week.

So I'm going to share a few quotes I found that seemed somehow important when I read them.

First, from Elder Hales, in the BYU Magazine:
"I have a simple message: never dwell on the past or attempt to protect your comfort zone against the changes required to meet future advancements. Past learning creates a valuable foundation of experience upon which to build, not a comfortable place to dwell for a lifetime. As you stand atop any peak you have climbed, enjoy the moment and look at the remarkable view and the progress you have made. But then turn around to see what new peaks are in sight and set a course the climb higher."

Regarding Michael Tunnell, who helped judge the Newbery Awards this year: "What has Tunnell been looking for [in children's literature]? Something that he says is becoming harder and harder to find. 'You've got to have a good strong plot on which to hang character development, on which to hang your beautiful language,' says Tunnell."

Danny Ainge says: "You have to be able to react when opportunities present themselves...It's a little bit of brains and a whole lot of luck." and "People aren't booing you if you're no good." and a picture of him wearing an "I hate Danny Ainge" t-shirt, which I think is a fantastic statement about how we take both criticism and praise.

And, from an old National Geographic I dug out of a box this week, Walt Unsworth said, "Had Mount Everest been climbed at the first attempt, the achievement would have been hailed as notable and then quickly forgotten. It was, ironically, repeated failures which gave the mountain real stature."

And then you really MUST READ THIS: It's an article by Elder Holland about the miserable times in our lives, about how "We are not alone in our little prisons here," as he says. It is absolutely required reading for anyone who has or will suffered anything in life.