Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Did I just read that?

This is a fantastically terrible headline. Hard to believe a real press organization let it out:

"Drunk, pregnant mother arrested in Houston after leaving baby in car to get piercing"

Okay, first: the pregnant lady left her baby in the car. That's tricky. I mean, there were lots of times when I was pregnant that I wished I could just take that baby out for a minute (like to tie my shoes), but--really?

And the baby was left in the car to get a piercing? Wow.

1 comment:

kitsanches said...

Oi. Gostei muito do blog! É simples, sensível, harmonioso e aborda algumas questões que nos fazem refletir... Sou coordenadora pedagógica da Educação de Jovens e Adultos aqui no Brasil e será ótimo poder trabalhar e mostrar como temas tão polêmicos e interessantes como família, sexualidade, valores, entre outros, são abordados em outros países. Meu blog é :
Um abraço, Cristina Sanches.