Monday, November 26, 2007

Wow--why I hate English programs, by someone else

This article fully explains how I feel about literary fiction, and with more information than I knew.

I should stop saying, "I can't write because I don't write literary fiction." I've fully believed that since I was in 8th grade and had to start reading "real" books.

What made classic literature in days of yore? Staying power. People loved Shakespeare because it was good and it was cool and everyone kept rediscovering it.

What makes classic literature now? Literary criticism.

Have you read some of that lately? It embodies everything I hated about college. It IS elitist, superficial, esoteric, and false, just like Wolverton says.

And, after reading Wolverton's article, I am completely willing to admit that the seventh Harry Potter book was the most powerful, life-changing book I've read (short of the scriptures) in YEARS. Why have I been embarrassed by this?

And why should I be ashamed that I write fantasy?

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